One Small Child – Episode #285, Christmas 2022

Hi everybody and Merry Christmas,

This year I decided with the help of Kevin Riggs, Joseph Culp and others, to produce a Christmas program that reflects on the birth of ONE SMALL CHILD. Isn’t it amazing how one life can impact eternity? We have so many wonderful songs from early Jesus music artists to pick from. It’s a win win! These songs can be played all year long, because this wonderful story impacts every single day of the year.

You’ll hear from Michael Card, GLAD, Twila Paris, Tim Miner, Evie and others. They all celebrate this precious gift God gave to the world, ONE SMALL CHILD!

Thanks for your prayers and support this past year. Although only a few, you’ve kept Classic Jesus music alive for the rest of us!

50 Years With Paul Clark!!! Episode #284

Hi everybody,

I wanted to surprise you with an early Thanksgiving gift. Here is the next episode, Episode #284, that you can listen to while traveling to your family on Thanksgiving, carving the turkey or sometime during the weekend.

What a real joy to visit with my friend 50 years, Paul Clark, add his studio in Hermann, MO and recalled memories of where it all began! On this Episode you’ll hear songs from Volume One and Volume Two from Songs From The Savior and his journey since that early beginning.

What more can be said about this legend, an early pioneer of the Jesus Music era! Enjoy!!

SongStory with special guest Randy Thomas on Episode #283

Hi everybody,

It’s good to have an old friend back on the show. Randy Thomas who played a big part in the Sweet Comfort Band as well as the band Allies. As a producer, arranger, songwriter, lead guitar and BG vocals, Randy was a “kingpin,” for what we’ve enjoyed with these musical expressions over the years.

Now Randy’s become an author. You can pick up a copy of SONG STORY and follow his journey from vintage Jesus music veteran to the becoming the co-writer of the song, BUTTERFLY KISSES, with the amazing Bob Carlisle. Join my in-depth conversation with this talented man on Episode #283.

Thanks to my webpage master, Steven Weyhrich and so many others who made this Episode possible!!

More Light!! Episode #282

Hi Everybody,

Episode #282 has loaded and I’m inviting you into the light, MORE LIGHT!! On this episode you’ll hear songs about more light from Joe English, BeBe and CeCe Winans, Randy Stonehill, Carmen, ABC and much more. Don’t miss this program. I’m dedicating it to someone special who just stepped in to the glorious light!!

Special thanks to some new friends that have joined the FULL CIRCLE JESUS MUSIC family. They are regular listeners and supporters. Craig and Linda Dinsmore, Rick and Karen Duggan and Bonita Nevins. Why not join them? Would you go to Facebook and “like” the show as well. Please tell even one of your friends about the show too. Thanks

Let me know what you think of this episode at

Special Guest: Terry Talbot on Episode #281

Hi Everybody,

I’ve really been looking forward to this episode with an interview from my friend Terry Talbot, formerly from Mason Proffit. Terry went on to record with his brother John Michael Talbot, (listen to that interview on Episode #190) as well as produce musicals such as FIREWIND and many other projects.

You’ll get to hear firsthand how Terry became a Christian and how he influenced the whole Country Rock genre. You also hear favorite songs like Mighty Wind, See The Vision, Takin’ Me Higher, Lamplighter and much more. Sit back and enjoy!

Thanks again for some of the new listeners who have asked to be part of the Full Circle, Jesus Music email blast, those who have started to pray and support this radio ministry on iHeartRadio, iTunes and many, many other podcast formats and radio stations.

Grateful for all your support.

Steadfast – Episode #280

Hi everybody,

If there’s one thing I know for sure, God’s love is steadfast. His promises have been tried, tested and fulfilled. On this episode a Full Circle, you’ll hear songs to encourage your heart, to remind you that God is at work in your life.

There’s great artists and songs to carry the theme that I know you’ll remember. Twila Paris, Mylon LeFevre, Wayne Watson and the late Andrae Crouch and Rich Mullins, as well as many more. Most of these songs are from the last part of the 80’s this time, so you’ll see the progression from Jesus Music to today’s CCM.

As always, I am so grateful for those who walk with me to support this radio ministry. Steven Weyhrick, Bruce Harapcio, Paul French, Tom Tatlow, Rick and Karen Duggan and many others. Thanks so much. And if you want to join them, go to the top right of this website and click Donate. Blessings!!

Love begins

Hi Everybody,

It seems like “love has a mind of its own,” but on this Episode #279 of Full Circle, you’ll find out where “love begins” with Classic Jesus music from Parable, Randy Matthews, Kelly Willard, Rob Frazier, The Road Home and much more. There are real choices that you can make in relationship to others, when you’re filled with God’s love.

This is intentional ministry featuring some great early Jesus music from back where it all began. Give a listen and pass it on to a friend and you can find other shows on iHeart Radio, Itunes and Google podcasts and a whole lot more platforms on the web. You can also go to my web page at for more info and if you’d like to be part of supporting the show. All gifts are tax-exempt!


Worship with Special Guest: Terry Clark

Hi Everybody and welcome to Episode #278, featuring the ambassador of love and worship, Mr Terry Clark! What a treat to have him stop by the Jesus Solid Rock studios in Nashville for a special interview. We recalled some of the first songs he recorded and there are so many great worship albums to choose from and more on the way.

You’ll hear OH THE LOVE, JESUS MIGHTY FORTRESS, TIME ENOUGH and LIVING LOVING EYES and much more as we hear the heart of this early pioneer of Jesus music. We also discussed the influence and co-writing from the late Roby Duke and much more of Terry’s journey. Don’t miss it.

Say, there is plenty of room for you the listener to get involved in underwriting the next FULL CIRCLE if you’d like. Just go to my web page at and check out the donate button at the top right, for all tax-exempt giving and thanks!!

Alone? – Episode #277

Hi Everybody,

Allow me to say that I think there’s a lot of folks in our world who feel alone, even if they won’t admit it. The need for stimulation, activity, continual sound and light would indicated that there’s a deep seated fear of being alone and forgotten. Thankfully, God is aware of our deepest need and offers comfort and healing.

On this Episode of Full Circle, I’ll feature the music of Kelly Willard, Randy Stonehill, Dion, Barry McGuire, the late Roby Duke and many more. The songs and encouragement will address the deep need within all of us to “be seen” and remind us that God has not forgotten us.

Thank you for support this radio ministry with your prayers and financial giving. Your gift one time or on an automatic monthly basis is tax-exempt and gratefully received.

Changed Hearts – Episode #276

Hi Everybody,

On this episode of Full Circle I’m sharing on the theme of “changed hearts!” The songs you’ll hear are from Daniel Amos, Sweet Comfort Band, Petra, Malcolm and Alwyn and the late Denny Correll and many others. You’ll be challenged to let God heal your heart from all disappointment, delayed conflict resolution and even betrayal. God cares and wants to give you a heart of flesh!

Thank you for your prayers and support on Full Circle. It means so much.